
Molecular links between sleep and motivation
The sleeping habits of humans are unique in the sense that we often defy sleep and stay awake for occupational and recreational reasons or other lifestyle choices, despite experiencing fatigue during that time. The motivation to defy sleep and stay awake for a wide range of lifestyle choices is often accompanied by the use of psychoactive substances, most prominently caffeine. Our groundbreaking work includes discovering that caffeine triggers wakefulness by blocking adenosine A2A receptors in the nucleus accumbens, a part of the brain associated with motivation, and identifying the brain circuit that links sleepiness and motivation. We are using innovative genetically or chemically engineered systems (optogenetics, chemogenetics, or optopharmacology) in conjunction with in-vivo imaging.
Related publications:
Oishi Y, et al., Nat Commun, 8:734, 2017
Lazarus M, et al., J Neurosci, 31:10067–10075, 2011
Oishi Y, et al., Nat Commun, 8:734, 2017
Lazarus M, et al., J Neurosci, 31:10067–10075, 2011

Drugs for insomnia and psychotic conditions
We developed the first positive allosteric modulator of adenosine A2A receptors, named A2AR PAM-1, that evokes A2AR responses in the brain (e.g., sleep induction) without affecting cardiovascular function, unlike classic A2AR agonists. Given that A2AR are also implicated in psychotic conditions, enhanced A2AR signaling may constitute an important molecular mechanism for sleep regulation and sound mental health. Furthermore, we collaborate with the Abe Lab (Hiroshima University) to develop a visible-light (420 nm) photoactivatable (‘caged’) A2AR PAM-1. Using the opto-version of the A2AR PAM, we, for the first time, optochemically induced sleep in freely behaving mice. Our approach should aid in generating visible-light photoactivatable compounds for virtually any druggable target.
Related publication:
Korkutata M, et al., Neuropharmacology, 153:153, 2019
我々は最近、アデノシンA2A受容体のポジティブアロステリックモジュレーター(A2AR PAM-1)を開発しました。この物質は、従来のA2ARアゴニストとは異なり、心血管機能に影響を与えることなく脳内でA2AR反応(睡眠誘導など)を誘発します。A2ARは精神疾患にも関与していることから、A2ARシグナルの増強は睡眠調節や健全な精神状態の維持に重要な可能性があります。さらに、広島大学の阿部研究室と共同で、可視光(420nm)で光活性化できるA2AR PAM-1を開発しています。この光作動型A2AR PAM-1を用いて、初めて自由行動下マウスに光化学的に睡眠を誘導することに成功しました。この方法は、あらゆる薬物標的に対して可視光で光活性化できる化合物の創製に役立つと思われます。
Korkutata M, et al., Neuropharmacology, 153:153, 2019

Crosstalk between sleep and immune system
Good nutrition and sleep are the keys to a disease-free life. It has been shown that the differentiation and proliferation of immune cells, such as white blood cells, are synchronized with sleep. However, the molecular mechanisms by which sleep regulates immune system function are still largely unknown. We analyze gene expression in leukocytes obtained from peripheral blood of sleep-deprived and mutant mice with abnormally increased sleep need by single-cell gene expression analysis and identify candidate molecules that intervene in sleep quantity and immune system regulation. Single-cell gene and immune profiling represent the most advanced and comprehensive approach to reveal the immunological signature in thousands of individual cells simultaneously.

Short-sleeper mice to understand sleep
People spend approximately one-third of their life sleeping. Why sleep is compulsory for human life and cannot be avoided, however, remains unclear. It is important to understand why sleep is necessary and how sleep is controlled – not only to elucidate physiological behavior but also to enhance our quality of life.
Recently, in the course of analyzing sleep-wake regulation by the reward system, we accidentally created mice that require an extremely low amount of sleep. Using multiple “short sleep” models, including this novel mouse model, we study the effect of short sleep on other physiological functions in the body to understand the significance of sleep. We also study the neural mechanisms of short sleep to clarify the control mechanisms of sleep.
Related publications:
Honda T, et al., iScience, 23(6):101240, 2020
Takata Y, et al., J Neurosci, 38(47):10080-10092, 2018
Honda T, et al., iScience, 23(6):101240, 2020
Takata Y, et al., J Neurosci, 38(47):10080-10092, 2018

Neural mechanisms of brain slow-wave generation
We get sleepy every day, but the neural mechanism is currently unclear. We have recently developed a mouse model that can generate “slow waves,” a measure of sleepiness, using the mechanism of drugs that induce sleepiness. In this study, we aim to elucidate the mechanism of slow-wave generation using this model and to understand the principle of sleepiness generation.